Welcome to Dayal Group of Institutions- MBA Affiliated to AKTU (College Code: 828) and BBA Affiliated to Lucknow University (College Code: 1166) & D.Pharma Affiliated to PCI (PCI Code: 9467,BTE Code: 2635)

Post Graduation


By the time one is done with one’s schooling and completing graduation, they have spent 15 to 16 years for their education. Often, some experience a burnout of sorts, some have financial issues to deal with, while many are simply excited to start working and be independent. The allure of a career and the financial independence it could provide is one major factor for youngsters to halt their education.

In such a scenario, post graduate programs are increasingly perceived as time consuming and not worth the money. This perception is in total contrast to the ground reality. Employers are more inclined to look for post graduate qualifications in a potential employee, especially in the field of business and management.

On the other hand, to discontinue education after graduation, there must be clarity of thought and it should connect with the aspirations of the student. Undoubtedly, the allure of financial independence is the major driver in our country that leads to a proliferation of graduates and sometimes a paucity of high caliber post graduates.

Earlier there were very few (mainly government) institutions offering Post Graduate Programs that led to a rush for admissions. Now, as the education sector has opened up to cater to the emergent needs of a large populace, one has many alternatives and options. The demand for management post graduate programmes has led to several quality institutes offering PGDM programs and PGPM programs in management. Besides there are institutes offering a one year MBA to cater to the experienced or working professionals.

Here are seven reasons why you should pursue a postgraduate course:

Improving Career Prospects

A postgraduate course, especially an MBA, will strengthen the CV and help one stand out amongst the crowds. Knowledge & the right skills, at a higher level would help one to take advantage of the most apt prospects in their field of work.

With a postgraduate qualification on the CV, securing a good job is more likely, and the possibility of a higher salary is greater.

Moving Your Career to the Next Level

Career progression in existing roles, if one is / was already working would certainly benefit from a postgraduate course. One will gain additional skills and knowledge which will propel one in their existing role or industry. Besides it would also be an indication to the employer of the seriousness of the candidate for career success.

For some, taking sometime off from work to gain a postgraduate degree is possible in view of the advent of one year MBA courses. Also there are part time postgraduate courses for those who want to study without giving up work through online courses.

Change of Profession

Postgraduate courses additionally give one a chance to change tracks in their careers into other emerging areas or areas of interest.

In spite of the fact that one has a choice to enter any field, some courses may require specialized knowledge on a concept or subject and thus the curriculum should be studied precisely before making any mid to long term decisions.

Intellectually Rewarding

Unlike an undergraduate course which requires you to study multiple subjects, a 1 year post-graduate course in India is more focused. PGPM Programs are at their very essence a pursuit of knowledge in a subject of your liking. This helps in development of skills, inculcates critical thinking and a sense of achievement. All this is intellectually rewarding and stimulating and leads to recognition and improved credibility.

Personal Development

Studying a postgraduate course equips one with soft skills that are helpful for business and even daily life, such as time allocation and utilization, research, presentation and communication skills. For many postgraduate students, the fuel is the desire to learn and contribute to their field of expertise.

Asset to Employer
By pursuing a postgraduate course, one’s skills and knowledge are enhanced. Post graduates tend to stand out as a credible source of information and experience. A lot of employers depend on this and choose to tap into the skills and expertise of their employees.

Occupational Benefits
People with postgraduate qualifications, especially an MBA, command higher emoluments than plain graduates. Employers are willing to pay higher salaries for their knowledge and expertise. They also get better opportunities for growth in the long run. It is a well-known fact that most professional CEOs in the corporate world have an MBA qualification.

To Sum Up
the benefits of pursuing post-graduation courses are substantial and need a serious look. It has the potential to transform the professional and personal outlook of a person and take their career on an upward path. Pursuing a Master’s course will open up new avenues and can create opportunities for one’s career. India offers some of the best and varied options for post graduate courses with institutes offering post graduate diplomas, one year MBA courses, two year PGDM programs and MBA programs and more.

Post graduate study in India is evolving and can cater to a wide audience. Some of the best MBA colleges in the world, are in India. Besides one-year MBA programs in India are also gaining in popularity. Education being a priority sector, easy financing by banks is available and this has brought postgraduate study within everyone’s reach.

Dayal Group of Institutions caters to all business needs of the rapidly changing Indian, as well as global economy by empowering people to change the way they do business. It offers one of the best MBA programs In India.