Welcome to Dayal Group of Institutions- MBA Affiliated to AKTU (College Code: 828) and BBA Affiliated to Lucknow University (College Code: 1166) & D.Pharma Affiliated to PCI (PCI Code: 9467,BTE Code: 2635)

Director Message

Dr. Amit Kumar Singh

Director ( Dayal Group of Institutions )

We Go Beyond Degree.
Welcome to Dayal Group of Institutions (DGI), Lucknow, Capital of Uttar Pradesh. The institute is situated next to Indira Canal, Sultanpur Road. DGI offers you endless possibilities for self development.We offer full time bachelor's degree and master's degree.
In today’s world having a degree not mapped to the Dynamic and Changing Industry scenarios no longer makes sense. We angle to shape our degree to be geared to predict the trends of the job markets as reflected by our tracks. We achieve this by loading our

teachings with real business case studies, consultancy projects, and visits to companies. Professional seminars, conferences and on campus recruitments are also mandatory part of our program. In addition, our faculty draws from balanced mixed of academicians and professionals.

Be Inspired.
It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be. DGI, aims at the all-round growth of learners in the areas of hard and soft skills through the continuous cycles of learning, relearning and transforming. We are optimistic in our belief that our students, at the end of the day, will stand out as ‘right professionals’ for ‘right industries’. Welcome to a life changing and a unique learning experience at the DGI.